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HCA Washington St Open House
November 17, 2012 @ 10:30 am - 11:45 am
How has HCA responded to the COVID pandemic?
HCA has taken all information and guidelines provided to us to ensure the safest environment possible for the children and staff. Throughout the mandated closure, all employees were maintained on full payroll to ensure a smooth transition back as soon as we were permitted to reopen (6/15.) The following safety procedures have been implemented:
- All cloth/fabric toys have been removed from the classroom.
- Prior to beginning, all new staff members and children are required to submit a negative COVID-19 test result.
- An “Air Scrubber” was installed on our HVAC system which is a UVC light to purify the airflow from possible contaminants.
- A hospital-grade UV-C light system has been installed which runs from 3 am-5 am to ensure the center is clean of any virulent pathogens prior to the start of business each day.
- Prior to being granted entry or children being granted entry, all staff members and parents must answer questions related to potential COVID-19 symptoms and exposure.
- Children’s shoes are changed into “indoor shoes” immediately upon entry.
- Upon entry, staff members change into “indoor shoes.” Teachers also change clothes (pants & shirt) upon arrival and have a full extra outfit to change into if their clothing is soiled while at the center. Clothing is laundered daily at the center.
- Masks are always worn by staff members; children 2+ are encouraged to wear masks.
- Children do not move from classroom to classroom throughout the day.
We continue to have our nightly cleaning crew come in and do a deep clean of the center. Teachers and kitchen staff continue to clean and sanitize toys and surfaces throughout the day. Hands continue to be washed throughout the day.